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Immerse yourself in the magical world of CandyLand and stay active relentlessly from March 1st to 9th, from 11 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1 PM to 4 PM.
Want to get moving and have fun with the family? Check out our schedule:
Plus, on March 1st: Mascot, clown, DJ, and candy
Plus, on March 9th: Skating artist, face painting, DJ, and candy
Location: In the central courtyard
Schedule: From March 1st to 9th, from 11 AM to 12:30 PM and from 1 PM to 4 PM
The activities and access to the ice rink are free, but you have the option to rent a pair of skates and a helmet for $2 each.
Découvrez nos journées thématiques :
2 mars : Vive les vacances
3 mars : Personnages de jeux vidéo
4 mars : Les explorateurs
5 mars : Les couleurs
6 mars : Pyjamas
7 mars : Les métiers
8 mars : Disney