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  • Family
    • Nursing Area

      Place Longueuil offers a nursing area for young families to take a break, relax, and attend to the needs of their young children. Comfortable chairs are provided for breastfeeding or relaxing, and a microwave and changing table are also available. The breastfeeding area is a secure location to ensure nursing mothers get the privacy they need. To access this location, contact the information kiosk or the food court staff, who can provide a key to the area. Note: Changing tables are also available in the public bathrooms located throughout Place Longueuil.

    • Stroller & Car Stroller Rentals

      Place Longueuil offers a stroller and car stroller rental service free of charge. A $20 deposit or set of keys must be left at the rental booth before borrowing a stroller or car stroller, which will be returned to you when you bring the rental back. This service is provided at the information kiosk located in the central courtyard stop by and complete the required paperwork.